
Current Research Funding



"Data-Driven Population Health Surveillance at Scale for Pandemic readiness" Awarded to Heidi Hanson, ORNL. Randles (co-I).   


"Detection of Emergent Mechanical Properties of Biologically Complex Cellular States" Awarded to Mark LaBarge and Lydia Sohn, Randles (co-I).   


"Dynamic models of the cardiovascular system capturing years, rather than heartbeats"  


"Data-Driven Approachs to Identify Biomarkers for Guiding Coronary Artery Bifurcation Lesion Interventions from Patient-Specific Hemodynamic Models"  


"Technology for Efficient Simulation of Cancer Cell Transport" 

Duke/Duke-NUS Pilots

"Improved Detection of Ischemia-induced Coronary Stenosis with a Novel Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Solver" 


"CAREER: Scalable Approaches for Multiphysics Fluid Simulation" 


"TR&D Project 1: Virtual Patients."  Awarded to William Segars, Randles (co-I).  

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Awarded to Cyrus Tanade. 


"Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to Predict Distal Aorta Aneurysmal Degeneration After Type A Dissection Repair."

Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded to Christopher Jensen, MD

IBM Faculty Award


Past Research Funding



"Novel anatomy-physiology guided diagnostic metric for complex coronary lesions"

Fellowship awarded to Madhurima Vardhan 

Duke-Coulter Grant

"Determining Fractional Flow Reserve from 2D Angiograms"

Livermore National Laborartory Lab Directed Research and Development Exploratory Research Grant

"3D bioprinting microenvironment for studying cancer metastasis"


"Computational Fluid Dynamics for Peripheral Artery Disease"

Livermore National Laborartory Lab Directed Research and Development Exploratory Research Grant

"3D bioprinting aneurysm for intervention modeling validation"


"IEEE Cluster Student Support"

NIH Early Independence Award (DP5)

"Toward coupled multiphysics models of hemodynamics on leadership systems"

ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award

"Using GPU-Accelerated Computational Fluid Dynamics to Study In-stent Restenosis"

Duke Collaborative Quantitative Approaches to Problems in Basic and Clinical Sciences

"Interactive 3D fluid dynamics for cerebral aneurysm treatment planning"

MedX Colloquium Grant

"Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Virtual 3D models of Cardiac Defects in Children with CHD"

Livermore National Laborartory Lab Directed Research and Development Lab-wide Research Grant

"Validating Large Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Complex Geometries with 3D Printing"

Hartwell Postdoctoral Fellowship

Awarded to John Gounley.

 VA BD-STEP Fellowship

Awarded to John Gounley.

NIH MITP Training Award

Awarded to Daniel Puleri.

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Awarded to Ismael Perez.

Duke Morton H. Friedman Fellowship

Awarded to Bradley Feiger and Simbarashe Chidyagwai.

Duke Theo Pilkington Fellowship

Awarded to Madhurima Vardhan.

Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research

"Interactive virtual reality cardiovascular visualizations"

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