New paper showcasing diagnostic performance of HARVEY available in JAHA

June 27, 2024 | HARVEY shows strong diagnostic performance and identifies new metrics of interest

Our latest work is out in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) showing the diagnostic performance of HARVEY for calculating FFR using 3D flow simulations from 2D angiography. We further show the potential for metrics like longitudinal vorticity at augmenting conventional metrics and helping identify patients likely to have adverse events.

This work is the culmination of years of effort from a large team. Former graduate student Madhurima Vardhan began the work and Cyrus Tanade joined the team to help complete the work.  This research was a tremendous effort from a large, interdisciplinary team to create patient-specific 3D flow models of a cohort from Duke University Medical Center and Brigham and Women's Hospital for comparison between invasively measured values and measures from the non-invasive digital twin.

The full paper link is here.

Citation: Vardhan, Madhurima, et al. "Diagnostic Performance of Coronary Angiography Derived Computational Fractional Flow Reserve." Journal of the American Heart Association (2023): e029941.