Two papers accepted to the 24th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS)

June 28, 2024 | New work being presented at ICCS24

One paper led by Cyrus Tanade and one led by Justen Geddes were accepted to ICCS24!

Two papers were accepted for publication at the 24th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS24)  in Malaga, Spain July 2-4. The first introduces our new virtual intervention planner and is titled: "HarVI: Real-time intervention planning for coronary artery disease using machine learning" led by graduate student Cyrus Tanade. The second was led by postdoctoral fellow Justen Geddes titled "Velocity Temporal Shape Affects Simulated Flow in Left Coronary Arteries".  The team included Cyrus Tanade, William Ladd, and Nusrat Sadia Khan.